Bulletin for Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Happy Birthday To... Mr. Mauler.

Today's Lunch Menu Is... Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, corn, pears, salad bar, and butterfinger dessert.

JH Football... Good effort to the JH boys yesterday against Howells-Dodge. Check-in will be Wednesday, October 18th, make sure things are washed.

Senior Class Meeting... There will be a senior meeting on Tuesday, October 17th during 7th period study hall. All seniors will need to come to the elementary library at that time.

Boys Basketball... There will be a short boys basketball meeting tomorrow morning at 7:50 am in Mr. King's room for any high school boys interested in going out for boys basketball.

TeamMates... Mentees - The TeamMates Tailgate will be this Thursday, October 19th starting at 6 pm.


October 17th - FFA Meeting 7:30 am; Sophomore Career Day @ WSC ; JV/V VB
vs. BR/LD @ Pender 5:30 pm - Pink Out and Parent's Night

October 18th - FFA State Land Judging; 2:30 dismissal for K-12th; 3:30 dismissal for preschool

October 19th - ACT Writing Practice Test 8:15 am; FB vs. GACC @ Pender 7 pm; TeamMates Tailgate @ FB field 6 pm

October 20th - End of 1st quarter; State CC @ Kearney; Pre-ACT (11th grade) 8:30 am; Elementary Pendragon PRIDE Assembly 2 pm