Bulletin for Friday, January 19, 2018

Happy Birthday To... Kindrey Robinson & Kaydn Grell on Sunday.

Today's Lunch Menu Is... Chili, fruit cocktail, cinnamon roll, and salad bar.

TeamMates... Mentees, permission slips for next Thursday's event are due back to the office today.


January 19th - Wrestling Madison Invite @ Madison 10:00 am; JV/V G/BBB vs. Wynot @ Pender 4:15 pm

January 20th - Wrestling @ Oakland 9 am; JV/V G/BBB vs. Howells-Dodge @ Howells 3 pm

January 22nd - JH GBB vs. Wakefield @ Wakefield 3 pm; JH Wrestling @ Oakland 4 pm; JV/V BBB vs. Madison @ Pender 6 pm

January 23rd - JV/V G/BBB vs. Emerson-Hubbard @ Emerson 4 pm

January 24th - 2:30 dismissal for K-12th; 3:30 dismissal for preschool

January 25th - FFA District Livestock Judging; JV/V GBB vs. Winnebago @ Winnebago 6 pm

January 26th - G/BBB EHC Tournament TBD; P2T Roadshow @ 1 pm

January 27th - 9/10 BBB Homer Tournament; EHC Wrestling Tournament @
Genoa; WSC Honor Band; Speech Meet @ Bancroft-Rosalie 8 am; JH GBB Ponca
Tournament @ Ponca 9 am