Here we go again!  Last week's "Who's Who" was our student teacher Miss Ives.  Now, on to #11.

“Who’s Who” Pender Public Schools

Do you know that one of your very own teachers was a pizza flipper in high school!?! I think we should ask this “who’s who” to demonstrate sometime. I’ll bring the dough! This “who’s who” also worked behind a jewelry counter and at two schools before coming here to teach for the last 4 years.

This secret staff member was a pretty busy gal in high school. She was involved in volleyball, basketball, track, golf, one-act, speech, choir, cheerleading, drill team, band, quiz bowl, and the National Honor Society. WOWZA! I ran out of breath just listing them all!

This week’s staff spotlight really loves to go on vacations. In fact, she went on a road trip when she was little that she says was her favorite childhood memory. She drove through several National Parks in the U.S. and in Canada with her family and her grandparents. Speaking of vacations, some of her interests outside of school are vacations, sports, working out, and of course, reading.

Memories of her childhood and the loves she still has today are things she has passed on to her family. Whenever they go on vacation, they always head for the mountains! They always love being outdoors, hiking, and seeing the scenery.

This might get you into the Christmas spirit. When this PPS staff member retires someday, she wants to work at a store that only sells Christmas tree decor all year round. She thinks that the job would constantly bring joy to people. I think that would be a ton of fun to bring joy to people everyday, too.

My last clue for you is that this “Who’s Who” pet peeve is improper grammar when spoken. So, if you don’t want to get on her bad side, I would suggest you speak grammatically correct.

After all the clues I gave you, can you guess this week’s “Who’s Who”?